Friday, May 6, 2011


Please please go and see Werner Herzog's fantastic The Cave of Forgotten Dreams if you can.
It's a marvellous, moving homage to the Chauvet Cave in France. Hidden for over 20,000 years and discovered by accident in 1998, the cave has been sealed to all but dedicated scientists ever since. Now Herzog has been allowed extraordinary access to the cave and all it's breathtaking treasures - sparkling carbonised stalactites, the overwhelming silence, the preserved footprints of a boy and a wolf and, of course, the astonishingly beautiful cave paintings. Horses, rhinoceroses and cave lions roam across these walls, as well as the hand prints of a man which are over 30,000 years old. Being able to watch the film in 3d is also a pretty mind-blowing experience.

Written and directed by Herzog, it's much more than a dry documentary, full of music, humour and philosophy, as he meditates on who these people were, why they made these drawings, how we connect to them and whether this is the birthplace of the soul of man.

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