Monday, March 7, 2011


Nicknamed the "Baddest Man on the Planet", once famous for biting off a man's ear and a convicted rapist, Mike Tyson has launched a new reality show where he races pigeons. The Social Network told us it's better to be convicted of necrophilia than animal cruelty, but obviously it works the other way round too: if your nice to animals it doesn't matter what your convicted of. What's next? O. J. Simpson timing guinea pigs on treadmills? It's not all roses for Tyson, though, because PETA aren't happy. They've issued a statement saying "if Mike Tyson truly loved birds, he would fight for their protection - not force them into a 'race' that tears them away from their families." I'm not sure what their use of quotation marks around the word race is meant to mean, but I think we can agree that the "Baddest Man on the Planet" has a murky relationship with birds.

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